"And from his fullness we have all received grace upon grace" (John 1:16).
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Prattosaurus Grows Up
Over the past 48 hours, my beloved dinosaur, Prattosaurus, passed through infancy (see my Jan. 1st post) and adolescence until finally arriving at its adult stage. The instructions said the dinosaur would take 24-96 hours to grow, and it seems that just under 48 hours has done the trick for him. So, for those of you who weren't able to experience his growth (which would be all of you), I now present to you the remainder of Prattosaurus: A Life in Pictures.
NOTE: For an enlarged view, click on the photo. To find out what time each photo was taken, simply move your cursor over the image.
48 hours!?!?
give him another 48 you fiend!!!
an dinosaur will only grow as large as the cage you put him in!!!!
"an" dinosaur? what a failure....
this guy obviously doesn't know what he's talkin about....
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